Casa Iuorio

Casa Iuorio is a farm in Palomonte, in the province of Salerno, which extends over nine hectares in the hills at the foot of the Alburni Mountains, a green area between the Foce Sele-Tanagro and Monti Eremita-Marzano nature reserves.

The daily commitment to work the land and the culture of raw materials was inherited from their grandparents.

For the new generation, the products of Casa Iuorio must be closely linked to the flavours and traditions of the past; growing in the open air, without the use of greenhouses, knowing how to identify good products and the best processing methods, means respecting one's roots, but also respecting the consumer.

Aubergines, peppers, courgettes, broccoli, artichokes: vegetables grown from seeds of native varieties, handed down and recovered with the aim of preserving and protecting the biodiversity of the Upper Sele Valley.

Produced at 0 km, the laboratory is inside the farm, washing, peeling, packaging and labelling are done by hand, thus reducing the steps in the production chain to a minimum and guaranteeing the freshness of each preparation.

Exquisite, handmade, made with passion and skill by young women from the village.

There are 31 products.

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