I Segreti di Diano

Coltivazione e trasformazione del peperone sciuscilloneserpentino.

Segreti di Diano was born in Teggiano, in the heart of the Vallo di Diano, an area recognised by Unesco as a World Heritage Site.

The Sciuscillone pepper grown in the Vallo di Diano is an indigenous variety that the company's founder, Pietro D'Elia, wanted to rediscover, as if it were a secret that deserved to be discovered.

The company's team relies on the passion and tenacity of the founders Pietro and Davide Gruccio, the experience of the local women who take care of the production, and the collaboration of 9 small producers who have joined the initiative.

The small number of producers reflects the small size of the production area. In fact, the area is limited to the municipality of Teggiano, which guarantees the exclusivity of the product.

There are two cornerstones of a very personal philosophy: "Come Diano Vuole (As Diano Wants)" and "Modern Traditions".

  • The "Come Diano Vuole" principle is applied directly to the land. In order to guarantee environmental sustainability and protect biodiversity, crop rotation is practised in the fields, improving the fertility of the soil without impoverishing it for the sole purpose of commercial profit.
  • Modern Traditions may sound like an oxymoron, but it is the seal of a commitment to respect the ancient culture and apply it to the modern world, favouring natural air-drying and manual skills in laboratory preparations on the one hand, and using the world of the Internet to promote the Sciuscillone tradition on the other.
Educated and conscious communication, aimed at the world of the Internet, training and raising the awareness of Italian and foreign Internet users, completes the virtuous circle of a strategy in search of quality and excellence.

If you work with dedication, recognition comes quickly: in 2019, I Segreti di Diano was awarded the Coldiretti prize for the most innovative young company and won the Oscar Green at the "Taste" in Florence.

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