Summer salad with Lenzariello beans and Carasau bread
2023-06-21 10:12:01

Summer salad with Lenzariello beans and Carasau bread

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Tonno al naturale o sgocciolato (240 g)
2 pomodori da insalata (o cuore di bue)
Rucola fresca q.b.
Basilico q.b.

Usually, we tend to associate pulses with winter, with its soups, paired with pasta... but let's not forget that pulses are a food rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals and, therefore, should be eaten all year round.

For this reason, we propose a super summer recipe starring our Lenzariello beans. A great solution for your summer lunches and dinners and, why not, also to take to the beach.


Here are the ingredients to prepare this simple, yet delicious dish, for 4 people:

  • 200 g dried Lenzariello beans
  • 200 g Carasau bread
  • 240 g tuna in brine or drained
  • 2 salad tomatoes (or beef heart)
  • Fresh rocket salad to taste
  • Basil to taste
  • Sifted oregano to taste
  • Dried bay leaves to taste
  • Grana Fine grain salt - Saline di Trapani to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil


  • Soak the beans for 12 hours
  • Cook the beans for about 45 minutes with a little bay leaf. Drain and leave to cool
  • Finely chop one spring onion and place it, together with the thinly sliced tomatoes and rocket in a bowl
  • Add the drained tuna and beans
  • Coarsely break up the carasau bread in the bowl
  • Complete with salt, basil, dried oregano and a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • You can eat the salad immediately or keep it in the fridge for a few hours... Enjoy!

If you prefer, you can give your salad an extra kick by adding a dash of our fine colatura d'alici di Cetara.

Why choose Lenzariello beans

Lenzariello has a delicate, buttery texture, which makes it perfect for light dishes such as salads. It also has a unique, slightly sweet and delicate flavour, which makes it versatile in cooking. Compared to other boiled beans, Lenzariello is low in fat and calories and high in protein and fibre, making it an excellent choice for a balanced and healthy diet. Moreover, its cultural value and generations-long history make it a special ingredient.

In fact, Fagiolo Lenzariello is a fundamental ingredient in the traditional cuisine of Campania. Its origin dates back to the 17th century, when it was mainly cultivated in the areas around Mount Vesuvius. Fagiolo Lenzariello is an ingredient that represents the history and culinary tradition of Campania, a symbol of cultural identity that must be preserved and enhanced.

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