DLC.0152.0050 DLC.0152.0050

Organic Sicilian Carob Hazelnut


Net weight: 50 g



The Carrubato di Nocciole di Sicilia Bio will surely surprise you with its unique and refined taste. No added sugars, no cocoa powder, gluten-free, and free from milk and dairy products.

COD: DLC.0152.0050
EAN: 8034077231427
Nutritional values
Average values ​​for 100 gr
Energy value
646 kcal - 2681 kJ
44 g
of which saturated
24 g
49 g
of which sugars
27 g
3,2 g
22 g
0,05 g

Carob pulp flour 55%, cocoa butter, hazelnuts 5%. Organic ingredients

Tips and curiosities of the tomolo

Did you know that... the hazelnut is an ancient food, known since ancient times. It originates from Asia Minor and was later introduced to Sicily by the Greeks around the first century B.C. Since then, the Sicilian hazelnut has become an integral part of the local gastronomic culture. The most common varieties are the Tonda Gentile Romana, the Tonda Estiva, and the Piemonte IGP (protected geographical indication). The organic Sicilian carob with hazelnut has a rich and creamy flavor that comes from the combination of these genuine ingredients: organic Sicilian carob and hazelnuts. The organic Sicilian carob with hazelnut represents an excellent alternative for those who want to try something new without giving up the traditional flavors of Mediterranean cuisine.

It may interest you

Carrubato di Sicilia Alla Nocciola Bio: Benefits

Carob is a fruit rich in nutritional properties, as well as being high in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and potassium. It also contains antioxidants that help combat free radicals. The organic hazelnut used in the preparation of Carrubato contributes essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is rich in naturally occurring polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. Therefore, the Carrubato di Sicilia alla Nocciola Bio is a healthy and balanced sweet treat to enjoy in moderation!