Fior di Sale di Trapani Rosemary Flavoured Salt

Fior di sale di Trapani al rosmarino  

Prodotto in: Italy
Regione: Sicily
Prodotto da: Riserva del mare



Rosemary salt is a mixture with a high content of beneficial substances for our organism.


Ideal for seasoning many dishes: bread or focaccia, strong-tasting meats.

Consigli e curiosità del tomolo

Rosemary Fior di Sale is very versatile in the kitchen and is an excellent way to add flavour to healthy dishes such as vegetables and salads. It can also be used as a condiment for grilled white or red meats, boiled or fried fish and even fruit, adding a special touch to any culinary preparation.


Whole Sea Salt, Sicilian Rosemary.

The nutritional benefits of Rosemary Fior di Sale

As well as being a whole sea salt and a Slow Food product, Fior di Sale al Rosmarino has many nutritional benefits. This unique salt is rich in minerals such as sodium and potassium, which are essential for bone health, as well as antioxidants, flavonoids and other important nutrients that can help prevent cardiovascular disease. It also contributes to gut health by helping to properly digest food.

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