Cervia salt tile dim. cm 20 x 10 x 3 • 2 pieces pack

Cervia salt tile dim. cm 20 x 10 x 3 

Prodotto in: Italy
Regione: Emilia Romagna
Prodotto da: Salina di Cervia



The Cervia Salt Tiles are made using only whole sea salt, harvested in the traditional way, dried naturally and washed with sea water with a high salt content, without bleaching, grinding or other additives, in order to preserve all the trace elements contained in the sea water.

A handy recipe booklet is included to help you prepare delicious dishes.

Consigli e curiosità del tomolo

The brick of pure sweet Cervia salt is ideal for hot cooking or cold preparation of dishes.

This innovative method makes it possible to cook without adding fat, making it a natural and dietary cooking method. Food cooked on the salt brick automatically absorbs the necessary amount of salt.

Compared to traditional cooking with salt, cooking times are significantly reduced, making it the ideal solution for those who have little time to prepare a lunch or dinner.


Sweet whole sea salt from Cervia

The Chef's Tile represents an innovative way of cooking that encourages creativity in the kitchen. You can cook everything on the Chef's Tile, from meat to fish, from eggs to vegetables. Unleash your imagination!

The Chef's Tile is a new culinary experience that helps you to use salt correctly and in moderation, not only as an ingredient, but also as a source of minerals and trace elements that help us to have a correct and optimal diet.

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