Salfiore di Cervia in Glass jar

Salfiore di Cervia in Vasetto di Vetro

Prodotto in: Italy
Regione: Emilia Romagna
Prodotto da: Salina di Cervia



Fine-grained salt flower harvested by hand on the surface of the salt pans at the beginning of the salt season.

Packaged in a practical 100 g glass jar

Consigli e curiosità del tomolo

According to an ancient tradition, giving Sweet Salt from Cervia is a wish for good luck and prosperity.


Sweet whole sea salt from Cervia

Salfiore di Cervia is the top quality sweet salt. It is harvested by hand in small quantities on the surface of the water in the basins of the Cervia Salt Pans in July, at the beginning of the salting season. It is the blossom of a very fine-grained salt, characterised by the humidity typical of Dolce di Cervia salt, which makes it extremely soluble.

It is particularly recommended for use "raw", where its truly unmistakable flavour can be appreciated.

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